The more money raised, the more gets donated so please come along and support the Essex Police Choir at the following events this year.
24th October 2015 – 7.30pm
The Annual Concert
Held at Chelmsford Cathedral
This event is going to be huge! With the Essex Police Band and the Gwent Police Male Voice Choir, we will undoubtedly have a sell-out concert again.
Tickets are £10 and include refreshments.
12th December 2015 – 7.30pm
The Annual Carol Concert
Held at Trinity Methodist Church, Chelmsford
This will include the presentation of cheques to our charities, audience participation and mince pies!
Tickets are £10
Tickets for both events are available from:
Mark Lawrence – 07802 414793
Alternatively email: tickets@essexpolicechoir.co.uk
“The Friends – Supporting your hospital, supporting you”