01245 443 285

The Friends are pleased to have funded these items which, added to the existing Neo-Natal unit equipment, means there is now a breast pump available for every new mum!

We met with Jackie (Senior Sister) and Sandra (Unit Housekeeping) who told us how having this amount of equipment readily available reduces the level of stress for new mums. “Breast milk, Jackie added, is like medicine for each baby …. so mum being able to take a ‘compact breast pump’ home to express milk whilst baby is on the ward is perfect … and there is no charge for borrowing the equipment.”


The department is currently working towards a Stage 2 accreditation of the Baby Friendly Initiative – a programme to support families in developing close and loving relationships with their newborns and Stage 2 of the Bliss Charter Accreditation – a practical framework for Neo-natal units to self-assess the quality of care they deliver against a set of core principles.


The Friends donation of this equipment totalling £4,299 is a positive step towards achieving these goals.

“The Friends – Supporting your hospital, supporting you”